Meet Debra Sophia LeClair
Your personal style is SO much more than just the clothes on your body.
It’s an expression of your deepest sense of worth and value.
When you value the energetic currency behind your outfits watch as
you become your own vessel of resource- magnetically attracting your
aligned desires through the simple act of being YOU.
With 30+ years in celebrity styling and costume design, I’ve worked with
musicians to create their looks and design their tours, styled films and
commercials featuring celebrities, designed looks for actors and athletes,
styled businesswomen and entrepreneurs, created a clothing line for a
nation-wide company in Japan
I’ve collaborated with renowned names you recognize, iconic brands. From
Apple to Lexus, Goggle to Nike and the list goes on….and now you get to
experience this level of magic.
Plus, I am a certified color analysis in the Suzanne Caygill seasonal color
I bring all this knowledge into creating a holistic step by step experience for
you to confidently embody your most magnetic self.
Consider this your invitation to embody YOUR specific uniqueness-the one
the universe created for you and you alone to embody.
Looking forward to connecting with you!
Up to 4 hours
Why do it: Whether you want to wow them or simply not have to worry about what to wear, your stylist will find the perfect look for you -- for any occasion.
What you get: A virtual meeting to discuss the event and dress code followed by a custom style board with looks to choose from. Once you land on your desired look, your stylist will add shopping links to your style board or suggest what to wear from your existing wardrobe.
Starting at 2 hours
Why do it: You have so many clothes, but nothing to wear. Your closet needs a cleanout and you just can’t do it on your own.
What you get: A virtual meeting to take inventory of your wardrobe so you can say farewell to what no longer suits you.
Up to 8 hours
Why do it: A few new looks or key pieces will instantly update your look for the season ahead and make getting dressed exciting and effortless.
What you get: First, you'll have a virtual meeting to review your wardrobe. Then your stylist will show you looks perfect for your body shape and lifestyle and create a custom shopping list. After you have made any purchase you want to you will have a final virtual style session.
Up to 14 hours
Why do it: If you're ready for a whole new look to make a statement with you style and feel like your best self each and every day, the (Re)Invention is for you.
What you get: You'll start with a professional edit of your closet, then your stylist will create a custom shopable style board with looks and key pieces that are perfect for you. To put the finishing touches on your wardrobe you'll have a final virtual style session.