The Closet Cleanse is one of our most popular services and THE most satisfying. Imagine the iconic Sex and The City scene of cleaning out Carrie's wardrobe but with a professional stylist. Show your stylist your wardrobe (virtually), and together, you'll decide what no longer aligns with you, how to style the clothes you have, and what you need to add to get the style you want each and every day-- resulting in a closet you'll love.

What do you get with a closet cleanse?
A virtual meeting to walk through and talk through your wardrobe.
Why do it?
You have a closet full of clothes but "nothing to wear." You want advice on what no longer suits you, how to style what you have, and what is missing from your wardrobe.
How do you prepare for a closet cleanse appointment?
Create piles to show your stylist. The All the Time Pile --these are pieces you always wear. The never pile -- these are things that no longer fit, you don't like to wear, and that no longer make you feel good. The later pile -- These are things you aren't ready to part with but don't want to take up space in your closet or your mind. The How to Wear pile -- these are the things you love but never wear or need to learn how to style.
Ready to book? Here are all the Glamhive stylists that offer a closet cleanse service.